2016 Installation Adoniram RAM 552
Adoniram RAM 552 held their Installation meeting at Liverpool Masonic Hall on 31st March in the presence of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master W.Bro Geoffrey Lee Prov RAMGR
W. Bro. Peter Papworth, Bro. Justin Lewis, W.Bro. Mike Winterbottom 
The lodge was opened by the Worshipful Commander W.Bro Tom Marlow and at the completion of the lodge business and salutations; the Worshipful Commander handed the chair over to the IPC W.Bro Peter Papworth so that he could elevate Bro Justin Lewis. 
Worshipful Commander, Justin Lewis and W.Bro Tom Marlow IPC
W.Bro Papworth preformed an excellent ceremony ably assisted by his team. The explanations were given by; W Bro Mike Winterbottom ProvRAMGR; W.Bro John Ryan ProvRAMGR and W.Bro Phil Gunning RAMGR. 
Treasurer and Scribe hard at work, W.Bro Davis Karsa and W.Bro Syd Ford.
After the excitement of the elevation ceremony and the Worshipful Commander was safely back in the chair we were ready for the big event, the Installation of the W. Commander Elect. W. Bro Tom Marlow performed the ceremony of installation and placed W.Bro Mike Winterbottom into the Chair.  At the completion of appointment and investing of the officers W. Bro David Emmerson RAMGR delivered the address to the W. Commander.
W.Bro Geoffrey Lee Deputy PGM taking wine with the gathered assembly
W. Bro Geoffrey Lee Deputy PGM also had to work for his supper; firstly by delivering a new charge that is going to introduce at all installations later in the year and then delivering the explanation of a RAM grand certificate to Bro Barrie Russell.  The certificate has been amended several times in the last few weeks, but this did not faze W. Bro Lee.
W.Bro Geoffrey Lee congratulating the Worshipful Commander
A delighted W.Bro Giles Berkley soon to be Grand Steward
A very enjoyable festive board then followed. In his response to his toast W.Bro Geoffrey Lee brought the members and visitors up to date with what was happening in the province.  He also announced that W.Bro Mike Winterbottom had been promoted to PGSD and that W. Bro Giles Berkley had been awarded an acting rank as Grand Steward.  The assembly members gave both brothers their congratulations.
All in all it a good night was had by all and we wish the new Worshipful Commander, his team and the lodge an excellent year.
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell